Women’s Rugby once again for the fourth year took home the MARC DII Shield, the Cup, and the overall trophy for winning the two-part Mid-Atlantic Rugby Conference. The Women's Rugby team did well in the first part of the tournament by sweeping all matches but one. In the second part of the tournament, Women's Rugby dominated with a series 50-0 against the University of Scranton. Another match against Temple was a good ight, but BU managed to win by 19-12.In the final match against ESU, BU won it all 29-0.
In addition, Women's Rugby B team also competed, and won the MARC DII Shield after beating Drexel University 17-0.
Congratulations Women's Rugby!

Women’s rugby will be joining the men’s team in Glendale, Colorado, from May 19 to 20, to compete in the 2018 USA Rugby Women’s Division II College 7s Championship. All matches will be be broadcast live on therugbychannel.tv.
In June, the women will also compete on the national stage in Philadelphia at the 2018 Penn Mutual Women’s College Rugby Championship.